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NAAC Peer Team Visit (Cycle - 3) is scheduled to be held on 27.01.2025 and 28.01.2025

Merit List

Merit Point Criteria for the admission to 4-year B.A./B.Sc. Honours courses for the session 2024-2025
Merit list will be prepared on the basis of following criteria.
For Honours in Criteria
Bengali (BNGA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Bengali
English (ENGA) Best 4 marks + Marks in English
Hindi (HINA) Best 4 marks + Marks in English
History (HISA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Bengali/English (whichever mark is higher)
Pol. Sc. (PLSA) Best 4 marks + Marks in English
Philosophy (PHIA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Philosophy
Best 4 marks + Psychology (if NOT studied Philosophy in class XII))
Economics (ECOA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Mathematics
Geography (GEOA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Geography
Best 4 marks +Marks in English (if NOT studied Geography in class XII)
Physics (PHSA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Mathematics
Chemistry (CEMA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Chemistry
Mathematics (MTMA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Mathematics
Botany (BOTA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Biology/Botany/Biotechnology
Zoology (ZOOA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Biology/Zoology/Biotechnology
Physiology (PHYA) Best 4 marks + Marks in Biology/Physiology/Biotechnology
Merit Point Criteria for the admission to 3-year B.A./B.Sc. Multidisciplinary courses for the session 2024-2025
Multidisciplinary Courses Criteria
B.A. MDC with Geography Best 4 marks
B.A. MDC without Geography Best 4 marks
B.Sc. MDC with Geography Best 4 marks
B.Sc. MDC Physical Science Best 4 marks
B.Sc. MDC Bio-Science with Chemistry Best 4 marks
B.Sc. MDC Bio-Science without Chemistry Best 4 marks

Merit list will be prepared on the basis of merit point.
If more than one candidates get the same merit-point then the concerned subject marks which is added (if any) with best four marks for calculation of merit point will be considered for preparing merit list.
If canididates tie again then the Applicant who had applied earlier will be given preference.