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NAAC Peer Team Visit (Cycle - 3) is scheduled to be held on 27.01.2025 and 28.01.2025

Teacher's Council

The college has a Teachers' Council formed under Calcutta University First Statute.Present President of the council is Principal Dr Sutapa Ray and Secretary is Prof. Arnab Kayal, Assistant Professor in Political Science. All the full- time teachers of the college are members of Teachers Council. The council arranges regular meetings to discuss the developments in teaching learning and also other issues related to the teachers. Teachers Council has developed over the years a participatory system of governance of the college in which the members actively get involved in academic and administrative functions by forming different sub-committees, subject to the approval of Governing Body.

  • President : Dr. Sutapa Ray, Principal
  • Secretary : Prof. Arnab Kayal
  • Members : All full time teachers