The Department of Economics was established in 1960, the same year as the College. Since beginning, this department offers both Honours and General courses in Economics following the syllabus as designed by the University of Calcutta. There are four sanctioned substantive posts in this department. At present, there are three regular faculty members, Dr. Shubhra Bagchi (Associate Professor), Dr. Srijit Chowdhury (Assistant Professor Stage III) and Dr. Srobonti Chattopadhyay (Assistant Professor Stage I) and one Guest Lecturer, Ms. Trishita Srimani.
All faculty members follow conventional teaching methods involving board work, sharing of reading materials etc. ICT enabled classes are also conducted using smart board and power point presentation. Class tests are conducted regularly. Mid-term and Test examinations are conducted for First and Second Year Honours students. For the Third Year Students, only Test examination is conducted. The faculty members often meet the students in College outside class hours to discuss individual problems. They also stay regularly in touch with the students through phone, whatsapp and email even outside College hours.
The students take partin College Poster Exhibition based on themes related to current topics. The students are always encouraged to participate in inter-college competitions and some students have received awards in such competitions. The students had taken part in an experimental study conducted by the Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata in 2016 both at ISI, Kolkata campus as well as College campus. The students also took part in the Financial Awareness Programme at Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata. Some students have actively conducted a field survey on investors’ psychology as part of a collaborative project of the College with R.A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai. The Department organizes two seminars every year, one involving presentations by students, and the other one involving invited speakers who are experts in the subjects, from various universities and reputed institutes. Dr. Shubhra Bagchi and Dr. Srijit Chowdhury have conducted UGC Minor Research Projects individually. At present, on behalf of the College, the Department is involved in a collaborative project on “Investing in PonziSchemes – A Psychological Perspective” with R.A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai.
Dr. Shubhra Bagchi
M.A., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Dr. Srijit Chowdhury
M.A., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Rajib Prasad
M.A. , M.Phil
Assistant Professor
Ankita Biswas
MSc. In Applied Economics, Presidency University
Assistant Professor
Soham Mitra
State Aided College Teacher