The Women's Section of the Vidyasagar College was the first recognized Govt. aided college for Girls’ signifying advancement of learning in the true sense of the term. It had made provisions for B.Sc. courses in different science subjects including Geography. In June, 1960 Women’s Section of Vidyasagar College became independent College with separate affiliation from the Calcutta University and it was renamed as Vidyasagar College For Women with a different Governing Body. In 1962, it became a full fledged Honours Department. There were many distinguished teachers in this Department from time to time. Presently our Department consists of five full time teachers (five Assistant Professors) one graduate laboratory instructor and two non-teaching staff (casual). All the teaching and non teaching members of our department are sincerely engaged in the teaching learning process; the teachers are always available for guidance to the students and encourage them for their future prospects. Admission to 1st year Honours course is strictly on the basis of merit. Each year there are a large number of applicants to pursue for Honours course in this department. Students are admitted strictly on basis of merit. Out of the total seats available, reservation for backward classes is strictly followed complying with all the educational norms of the State Government and are filled up. The department has its own seminar library with a collection of about 500 old and new books without reading room facility. The seminar library has a subject wise book catalogue, which helps the students with ready reference. Comprehensive teaching is the major motive of the faculty of the department. For this, computers are frequently used. There are two laboratories in the department which are shared by three colleges. There are four PC and two laptops in the department installed with GIS software which are accessible to the students at all time. The essence of intimacy between the students and the teachers has always played a major role in the department. They personally counsel them whenever required and guide them according to their aptitude. The department has been running since 1962 and many of the passed out students are presently employed at various colleges and renowned schools including organizations like NATMO which is a matter of pride for the department.
Sri Partha Sarathi Chatterjee, Laboratory Worker
Sri Sumam Mandal, Laboratory Worker