The department of Hindi was established in 1960. At that time department offered only General and MIL courses in Hindi. In year 2005 department initiated to offer HONOURS COURSES IN HINDI LITERATURE under guidelines of University Of Calcutta. Since then our department is offering Hindi (HONS), Hindi (Gen), Hindi (MIL) etc three courses of UG according to syllabus prescribed by University of Calcutta.
There are two sanctioned substantive posts in this department. At present, there are one regular faculty member, Dr. Ashutosh Prasad singh (Associate Professor and HOD), and four Guest Lecturers, Dr. Rudraksha pandey, Dr. Kaju kumari shaw, Dr. Sufia Yesmin, Dr. Madhu Mishra.
All faculty members follow conventional teaching methods involving board work, sharing of reading materials etc. ICT enabled classes are also conducted using smartborad and power point presentation. Class tests are conducted regularly. Mid-term and Test examinations are conducted for First and Second Year Honours students. For the Third Year Students, only Test examination is conducted.
The faculty members often meet the students in College outside class hours to discuss individual problems. They also stay regularly in touch with the students through phone, whatsapp and email even outside College hours.
The department regularly organizes Hindi Divas and Premchand Jayanti. Besides these essay competition, extempore, recitation and quiz competitions on literary and current topics are being arranged for students at time to time. The students are always encouraged to participate in inter-college competitions and some students have received awards in such competitions.
The Department organizes seminars every year on Hindi Divas involving invited speakers who are experts in the subjects, from various universities and reputed institutes.
Dr Md. Asif Alam
M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Rudraksha Pandey
M.A., Ph.D
State Aided College Teacher
Dr. Sufiya Yasmin
M.A., Ph.D
State Aided College Teacher
Dr. Madhu Mishra
M.A., Ph.D
State Aided College Teacher