Vidyasagar College For Women was established in the year of 1960 as a separate identity to the Vidyasagar College in the same premises during the morning hours. From the very outset the Philosophy Department gained a a good reputation. It was among the first 10 Departments that started its Honours courses. The Department had 3 sanctioned posts. At that time the department had Professor Sukumar Mukherjee and Professor Sefali Ghosh. After a few days Professor Amitava Banerjee joined. After Professor Sukumar Mukherjee became the Principal of the college, Professor Sandhya Sengupta joined the department. At present the department has 2 full time Associate Professors with the Ph.D degree and 2 Assistant Professors who are persuing their PhD. Most importantly the present Principal of the college is from the department of Philosophy. The teachers are always concerned about the betterment of the students and are ready to extend their helpful hand at the times of need.
Dr. Sutapa Ray
Area of specialization: Logic, Metaphysics and Epistemology
Email id:
Phone: +913322418887, +913322418889
Dr. Patrali Ghosh
Associate Professor,
M.A, Ph.D
Area of Specialization: Logic and Applied Ethics
Email id:
Phone: +913322418887, +913322418889
Dr. Molly Ghosh
Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil
Smt. Sayantani Bala
Assistant Professor,
M.A, M.Phil
Area of Specialization: Feminist Philosophy
Email id:
Phone: +913322418887, +913322418889
Sri. Soumen Adhikary
Assistant Professor,
M.A, M.Phil
Area of Specialization: Vedanta Darshan
Email id:
Phone: +913322418887, +913322418889